We have reached the end of the series and it has been emotional. Read what we think of Lunch Room episodes 13-15 right here on Screen Critix.
The end of Lunch Room Series 1 is now upon us so it’s time to thank the creators’ Mark Nunnari and Martin Ponferrada for what they have done. These two will always get the name check because they are the first names listed on IMDB, but Lunch Room is a project that, from the very beginning, was always a completely collaborative piece of work.
As we reach the finale, the laughter and joy from the first half of the series have given way to a more serious tone. The OzSupermart staff are growing up and although they still want to be the anarchic and spontaneous group that they were in the beginning, real life has started to enter their lives and the dreaded spectre of responsibility hangs over their heads.

Episode 13: Cousin
Here we find Wassim being confronted by a furious construction worker, after they have traded insults and curse words Wassim’s cousin has to step in to defend him. In one of my earlier reviews, I mentioned that Lawrence played by Lawrence Ola was my favourite character from Lunch Room but now, as we reach the end Wassim is pushing him close.
Wassim (played by Wassim Osman) is a neurotic and extremely funny creation. With the thick glasses and quick wit, Wassim brings to mind Woody Allen during his 70’s pomp and he has managed to raise laughs every time he appears in the show. We need to see more of Wassim in the inevitable second series and I hope the creators have big plans for him.

Episode 14: Called In
The penultimate episode sees some of the gang including Sorchia, Mina, Diana, and Michelle called into the OzSupermart conference room for an impromptu meeting. As they all speculate about what they could be in trouble for, they realise there are far too many incidents to narrow down and are blindsided by the actual reason.

Episode 15: Death
The finale and the cold open contains one of the show’s most powerful moments. These last few episodes have been anchored mainly by the oldest character in the show Matthew. Actor Matthew R. Grego manages to give us some masterful acting moments that help to finish the series in style. In fact, Grego’s performance in episode 15 is only a few minutes long, but it is, by some distance, the best performance of the entire series.
Overall it has been a pleasure to spend my time with the staff of OzSupermart; they have given me a lot of laughs and a couple of realisations. The storylines, the improvisations, the acting, have all been exceptional. Even during the COVID crisis, the filmmakers used their technical skills and cinematic flair to work around the issues. It has certainly been a remarkable achievement brought together by an extremely good cast and crew who have a unique bond, undeniable chemistry, and buckets of talent.
I really hope there is a series 2 in the pipeline because I would love to spend more time with these characters. Lunch Room is a series that deserves greater recognition and would not look out of place on any of our TV listings. Watch it as soon as you can and then bombard your local TV network with links to the show, failing that just send the entire cast around.
A magnificent achievement Lunch Room deserves to become a huge success.
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